Our school is situated in a quiet, green environment which visually showcases our Catholic identity in the many gardens. We are located in close proximity to our parish church and our founding religious communities. We pride ourselves in maintaining an attractive environment both outside and inside the classroom.

Adventure Playground
Students enjoy active and imaginative play in this leafy, green, bush setting. Including a grassed area, a sand pit, a bridge and wooden adventure equipment, the children can engage all their senses in this shady playground.

Our students are blessed to have access to a large green field on the grounds of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Monastery. In addition to utilising this space for physical education lessons, the older students play here at lunchtimes, running and playing ball games like soccer and cricket.

Kindy Playground
This bright courtyard nestled between the Kindergarten Classrooms and the staff room, provides a safe and stimulating haven for our junior students or any child who needs an escape from the hustle and bustle of the other play areas. The children have access to a variety of building and imaginative play equipment within this space. During the day, the teachers also often utilise this as an outdoor learning area.

Handball and Basketball Courts
Our playgrounds are marked with handball courts and we have two basketball courts. Our students love these spacious playing areas and enjoy countless hours on these courts.

Grassed Courtyard
Our students enjoy playing ball games on this large grassed area surrounded by plenty of seating, shady gardens and trees.

Each day our students can order their lunch and visit the school canteen to purchase snacks. Facilitated by Total Canteen Solutions, the students have access to a nutritious and delicious menu.

Before and After School Care
This service is available in the parish hall, beside the school library, and is provided by Extend. Extend offers a fun and supportive environment for students from 7am each morning until 6pm each afternoon. It promotes a healthy lifestyle by facilitating a device-free zone except for tablet-based homework. Every day the children can discover, learn and play through a broad variety of exciting activities.

Our library provides students and teachers with an open and flexible learning space. It is a wonderful place for reading and learning. Our library is also used for meetings, planning sessions, music, passive play and prayer groups.

Our vibrant classroom environments promote collaborative learning and nurture critical and creative thinking. These spaces provide a safe and supportive learning culture that encourages risk-taking and develops self-efficacy.

The recently upgraded, multipurpose hall is used for school events, assemblies, sports, music, incursions and a variety of student showcases. We are proud that both our parish and school community share this space.

Our school has a Bring Your Own Digital Device (BYODD) policy for students from Year 3 to Year 6. Our designated device is the Google Chromebook. The school is equipped with additional hardware, including large monitors in each classroom, Chromebooks (for the younger grades) and iPads for use by all.